Thursday, November 10, 2011

Baby I'm Back

I'm going to give this another shot.. I'm feeling crappy about my diet lately right now. I've been doing pretty well with the work out routine, but I've not being feeling my best when it comes time to go to sleep. My stomach hurts and I'm pissed at myself for eating so poorly, again.
Anyway, we have a race in Moab in like 3 weeks and I have not been running, and I need to kick it in gear.
Soooo.. embarrassing as it is. Today was not day 1, it was the last day of indulgence so here it is:

Breakfast at the Awful Waffle:
Peanut Butter, Nutella, Thick waffle... Arrrre you kidding me.

Dinner at Zupas:
A version of their pesto chicken panini.. but with sprouts, it was really good actually. And tomato basil soup.. I pretty much ate all of it.

I went to the gym tonight even though it wasn't my day to and I am so sick. I felt like I couldn't work out long enough to shake it either. So.. tomorrow I am responsible for reporting back, and hopefully increasing my accountability will decrease my waistline :)

Thursday, June 16, 2011


Egg with fresh salsa
side salad
dark chocolate+oats granola bar
black bean veggie burger with tomatoes (no bun)

Thursday, April 28, 2011


Granola and banana cereal
panini for lunch and quinoa/spinach salad
ice cream bar (work loves icecream)
fiber one bar
costco steak frozen burrito for din
piece of toast con peanut butter
3 miles on le treadmill
arms and abs

Tuesday, April 26, 2011

You can't sell the salesman

sushi- 8 mini rolls
some of Brit a tit my co-workers salada (she never eats her food)
2 cookies, maybe 3 I can't remember
fiber 1 bar
lots of BEANS and cheese and tortilla chips :)
30 minutes on le elliptical

Monday, April 25, 2011

Easters :)

Different formaat for this one because I didn't really have separate meals:

-Lovely walk with my mama-

these dang smokehouse almonds I'm obsessed with
A bite of like 5 different dishes
lemon cookie
3 reeses eggs
chicken gyro with basil sauce instead of lamb w/ cucumber
asparagus and some beans
homemade limeade (complete with sweetened condensed milk)
whole lotta jelly beans
2 more cookies + scoop of icecream

Sugar overloaaaaad

Friday, April 22, 2011

Hella long day

B:fast- banana
little mile run

Lunchador- panini

Snack- fiber one 90 cal

Din- chicken fingers, couple fries and some ice cream. woops.

Thursday, April 21, 2011


Really I don't know how I am awake/alive right now yet here I am. 30 minutes of sleep but 90+ on both my finals and overtime for work so a productive day by all rites.

I stink at this blah blah repeating theme so I have decided to reward myself if I do a week well.. So if I do good EVERY day till next Thursday then I can buy this jacket-

Haha I'm so lame. But maybe it will work! Heaven knows nothing else has. I look forward to trail running when the clouds decide to disperse and return to Seattle

Sunday, April 17, 2011

I've been awful at this

But it's just because I have been busy. And also terrible at eating.

Run this morning, then smoothie+toast for b-fast
Lunch-some ham, cheese and almonds, weird but a delicious combo
Dinner-some red potatoes & dijon chicken, french bread and some more of those almonds
Dessert-a huge cookie/cake

Then when I got back to my homeys at home.. Half a tiny little key lime pie with my home teacher

Then 2 seconds ago.. the little oyster crackers you add to soup :)

Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Oh gosh ya'll

I am awful. Today:

Breakfast- big bowl of Honey Bunches of oats

Lunch- burrito, then I went to work and one of the managers bought us like 20 Malawi pizzas so I had 3 slices hahah.

Snack- huge brownie another manager brought us. We have our own personal bakery lady who makes these treats for us that are incredible! I think she just opened a boutique but genuinely, best cookies I've ever had came from her. These brownies were something else but I know they had to be 400 calories or something.

Dinner- PB&J baby, and my PB&J's include nutella and real nuts also. Soooo all in all I blame my fatness on an overwhelming amount of stress. And I have yet to work out BLAH!

oh yeah, I had some icecream too

Monday, April 11, 2011

Once de Abril (dia de un)

Day one:  

Breakfast: Bacon sundae from Denny's hahahha PEOPLE come on.

Steel cut oats with bananas and real maple syrup, glass of milk

Lunch: whole wheat pita with hard boiled egg, slice o turkey, cilantro dressing and tomatoes

Snack: orange, an oats & chocolate fiber bar

Dinner: Butternut squash soup and some cashews

Some of today's perps (perpetrators)

Dirty dash and R-Scape

Excited for THIS day.

Jordan, Emily, Josi, maybe Andrea?

Here's another one for us-- I'm really excited about this one.. maybe even more than the dirty dash actually because of the music and festivities